Invent. Design. Create. Sell.

Your apps, for the first Customer Experience platform.

Grow our community with your ideas.

Discover Mexedia ON App Store

Develop your own apps in the Mexedia ON App Store.

Super App

A Super App is a mobile or web application that can provide multiple services, such as an all-encompassing online platform.

Super App

Mexedia ON is the first Super App specializing in offering omnichannel communication solutions to Brands.

Omnichannel Communication

An omnichannel communication involves the synergistic management of all channels, online and offline, to provide users with an integrated and consistent experience.

Cloud Platform

Simplifies and integrates in a cloud platform customer interactions across all possible touchpoints.

Innovative Technologies

Mexedia ON gives companies access to the most innovative technologies such as AI, Metaverse and Voice Smart Assistants.

Mexedia ON App Store

Allows developers to develop, sell and see their apps certified in a marketplace with a potentially infinite marketplace.

/* Why join the Mexedia ON App Store. Discover all the benefits. */

  • “design”: “Develop your apps for the Customer Experience platform.”,
  • “visibility”: “Give your apps maximum visibility in the Mexedia ON App Store.”,
  • “earnings”: “Make money from your apps.”,
  • “proceeds”: “Receive 95 percent of the proceeds from the sales of your apps for the first two years, at the end of which Mexedia will negotiate a fee of 10 percent to 20 percent on the transacted revenue.”,
  • “free membership”: “You pay no subscription to join the future developer community on Discord .”,
  • “documentation”: “You get access to full documentation to develop your first app.”,
  • “community”: “Get support from our senior developers.”,

What apps can you develop and with what technologies?

The apps in the Mexedia ON App Store serve the Customer Experience platform.

The apps are managed by the individual providers and must follow standards and use specific APIs that we will point you to in order to integrate them. There is no language to use in programming; we will do security testing. Our developer community on Discord, being established, will always be available to you for support, especially for development in Node.js and PHP.


Among the apps already available in the Mexedia ON App Store:

  • Sentiment Analysis

  • Voice Biometrics

  • Speech Analytics

  • VSA Recurring Payments

  • Meta-center: AR Experience

  • Meta-center: VR Experience

The sooner you start collaborating with us, the more projects we will do together.

Mexedia ON App Store is a great showcase for developers and their apps. We are in beta, so your app would get all the visibility it deserves.

By starting to collaborate with us right away, you will make yourself a key player in future project developments, giving us a mutual chance to grow together.

Fill out the form.

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